Teddy, Born a RockStar!
How cool is it when something runs in the family so strong that marks your entire identity since the day you were born. Having a musician as a parent means tons of instruments in the house, crates and crates of old records and an unmistakable swag that can’t be faked!
Teddy surrounded by original records..
Only 10 days old, Teddy was great, he allowed us a couple of outfits changes and we even managed to create a few fun settings. Some newborns sleep, some newborns never sleep..others are born to be RockStars!
An old family heirloom, the guitar case belonged to grandpa..
I took these images at Teddy’s house, I brought my canvas background and I was lucky to find great wood floors. I had to bounce some flash to keep my ISO down, I used my primes 50mm f1.2 and 24mm f/1.4.
Wardrobe change..
MOM, leave me alone!!
I used a little bit of of my zoom 24-105L f/4 and some details were shot with my macro. We were there for a little over three hours and it was just about right, as our Rockstar needed lots of breaks and he sure didn’t want to rest for us :-) Eyes wide open!!
Awesome session! So happy to have such cool clients!!