Professional Photography in Sonoma


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Fitness & Beauty with Cat

Cat and I planned this session for weeks. First, I scouted a location, then we researched fitness images and poses, we ordered an outfit, looked for props, asked Caysi Jean Artistry to collaborate for Hair and Make Up and got 2 assistants to help out with lights and gadgets. I wanted to create images that had both the edgy fitness vibe and beauty flair. I used focused lighting, mostly with a 3 lights set up and reflector for fill, modified with mag mod on speedlites and beauty dish+grid on monolight (how awesome my Orlit monolight is compatible with the Canon radio system); this allowed me to control the direction and diffusion of light and create a dramatic effect. I also used colored gels on barn doors and finally found a use for my spray smoke, which I was eager to try out. I used all my lenses from the 24mm to the 200mm. We spent almost 3 hours on location, experimenting all kinds of poses and light set ups. I had this idea in my mind and it is the most satisfactory feeling to see it come to life in front of your eyes, creating an image that corresponds to your vision, even surpasses it thanks to Cat's modeling skills and all the help of my crew. Can’t wait to create more.